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out of question是什么意思

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out of question是什么意思

释义 毫无疑问 网络 没有问题; 无疑的; 毫无疑问的 The success of the meeting is out of question.毫无疑问,会议会取得成功。

out of question是什么意思

adj.的确(毫无疑问;一定;当然)例句 1.It is out of question to arrive there on time.准时到达那里毫无问题。2.If you persist,your success is out of questio...

out of question是什么意思

out of question 1.毫无可能的,根本办不到的;不值得考虑的 2.[罕用语]毫无疑问的;一定,当然,不在话下 例句:Free navigation in the South China Sea has nev...

“out of question ”与“out of the question” 有

out of question与out of the question的区别,怎么老是用不对

out of question和without question 有什么区别

Out of question的意思是“毫无疑问”,这里 out of= beyond,它是副词性短语,修饰谓语动词或整个句子 without question“没有问题”举个例子:他是好人,这毫无疑问...

beyond question和out of question有什么区别?

一、指代不同 1、beyond question:毫无疑问。2、out of question:不在考虑之列。二、用法不同 1、beyond question...

out of question 与out of the question 有什么区别

1、out of question意为"毫无疑问",是个副词短语,意思和beyond question相同。例:Her kindness was out of question.她的善心是毫无疑问的。2、out of the ques...

怎么区别out of question out of the question

out of the question 不可能 out of question 没问题(不带the,泛指,自然表示没问题)

It is out of question.和It is out of the questio

主要是记这两个习语的区别 out of question 1. 毫无可能的,根本办不到的;不值得考虑的 2. [罕用语]毫无疑问的;一定,当然,不在话下 out of the question 办不...

beyond question 和 out of question有什么区别


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